
We promote social and educational development through the strategic integration of technology.

The iQtek Foundation is committed to guiding young people and promoting values such as kindness and empathy. We believe in the transformative power of technology and use the educational platform Coursera to prepare young people for technological careers, facilitating their job placement.

Desarrollo de talentos

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Apoyar la formación técnica de jóvenes en el ámbito de la tecnología de la información, usando herramientas educativas disruptivas.

Acceso tecnológico

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Contribuir al desarrollo tecnológico de otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil que fortalezcan su acción social.

Intermediación laboral

Contribuir a la incorporación en el mercado laboral de los jóvenes formados por la Fundación.

At the iQtek Foundation, we use technology
as a catalyst for positive change,
focusing on the comprehensive development of youth
and support for vulnerable communities.

Desarrollo social y educativo

Drive social and educational development of future generations

Find out how you can collaborate